> > I can't remember well who said that Vinga was once a mortal woman, not
> > goddess
Depends where you are and who you are. This particular mythic truth or variation would be rare in Sartar, but more commonly accepted in Saird, Holay or Imither.
The cult writeup in Storm Tribe contains several clues to the paradox and complexity of the Vinga myth. The fabled and possibly legendary Tales #20 will contain a little more.
Even Heortlings who recognise Vinga solely as a Goddess will have heard of the several distant but famed cultic sites built upon her alleged graves (plural), and that some tribes regard her as a hero from the time of Heort.
As a general principle, you could expect a lot of conflation and confusion over time when it comes to separating the deeds of the gods from their cultic heroes. A hero's deeds may come to be associated with the deity, and sometimes the myth of a god's deeds is transformed and remembered as being forged by a particular hero (usually the one who mastered or popularised the associated heroquest).
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