>We read in RIVER OF CRADLES that New Pavis was founded in 1550. This
>agrees with the date of 1546 given in THE COMPOSITE HISTORY OF DRAGON PASS
>for the death of Dorasor's friend, Sarotar.
>"1575...Dorsaror arrived with presents, offers and an alliance".
>Now, a further difficulty is caused by the fact that in RIVER OF CRADLES
>Varthanis Brighthelm is described as being Count at the founding of New
>Pavis and SUN COUNTY says that he didn't become Count until 1567.
>Solutions to this contradiction?
In 1550, Varthanis is an exile from Sun County. He is present at the founding of New Pavis as a local potentate, not as a representative of Sun County. Sun County, under the wise leadership of Poskuturri doesn't want to know about any "New Pavis".
In 1567, Varthanis Brighthelm seizes control of Sun County by pushing Zentakos the Blind down the stairs. He is acclaimed Count. Zentakos supporters seek sanctuary in New Pavis and agitate for justice. Tensions grow between New Pavis and Sun County over the bloody deed.
In 1575, tensions are sufficiently cooled so that Dorasar finally gets to visit Sun County. Perhaps he has had intimations that the Ocean is going to be Opened Real Soon Now and wants a path to the sea.
>How exactly is the Count of Sun Dome County chosen?
The High Priest receives a vision from Yelmalio and blesses the Count-to-be with Yelmalio's Mandate. In practice due to the small size of Sun County, the number of blokes eligible to be Count by sufficient divine merit is probably zero.
Failing divine merit, the High Priest selects the count along the following criteria. If nobody fulfills the first criteria, the High Priest looks for somebody that fits the second criteria.
--Peter Metcalfe
--Peter Metcalfe
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