>From: Benedict Adamson <badamson_at_nildram.co.uk>
>To: Glorantha Digest <glorantha_at_rpglist.org>
>HOWEVER, I maintain that if someone in the RW has had some theory about
>anthropology or history, however discredited it is now, then there
>should exist in Glorantha some people who confirm to that theory. Thus,
>we have noble savages (that's YOU, Heortlings) and structuralist
>mythology (the God Learners). By extension, there should exist in
>Glorantha a language that (perhaps mytho-magically) conforms to the
>Sapir-Whorf hypothesis.
Seems reasonable so far.
>I think there could be no better candidate than
>New Pelorian.
That I don't see, New Pelorian is far too widely used for it to require a particular way of thinking. The obvious candidate is Old Wyrmish which requires a forked tongue to speak correctly and contains draconic concepts incomprehensible to normal humans. Another possibility is the pre-lunar language of the Dara Happa empire with an overlapping of the concepts of change and evil.
-- Donald Oddy http://www.grove.demon.co.uk/ --__--__-- End of Glorantha Digest
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