>Was Tradetalk a Godlearner attempts to reconstruct
>that universal language?
No, it is an Issaries gift that predates the God Learners and perhaps the Greater Darkness as well.
>With the Lunar heroquesters interest in the green age,
>and their incorporation of the 'female' into the
>otherwise phallic cultures of Dara Happa and Carmania
>one wonders if New Pelorian is a language that tries
>to signify without difference, and is thus a non-
>phallogocentric language.
Given that New Pelorian itself recognizes sexual differences ("Rune Priestesses of [the Seven Mothers] cult are commonly titled priestesses [...]" CoP p42), its non-phallogocentricity is a non-starter. Even if it didn't, the speakers of Turkish, a language with only one gender, still can be sexist.
For reasons like these, I prefer to describe New Pelorian and other languages in terms of effects and literary allusions rather than detailing actual language features.
>Speaking such a language
>would foster clear communication because we would have
>no diagreement over meaning - words would resonate in
>the same way with all who experienced them.
But the arcane purpose of New Pelorian is not to foster clear communication, but to engender a sense of unity. If anything it is intelligible glossolalia "speaking in tongues". One can still speak complete incomprehensible garbage (c.f. the White Moonies) and still arouse the sense of unity.
--Peter Metcalfe
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