>What is the origin of New Pelorian, Auld Wyrmish and Ur-Vithelan ?
New Pelorian is IMO a green age language that was rediscovered and revised by the Lunars. Therefore it qualifies as mythic in the same sense that Storm Speech does.
Auld Wyrmish is the actual speech of Dragons and the Dragonewts. It is as old as the Dragons themselves whether from the Beginning of the World or from Dogsalu's beginnings (a little while later).
Ur-Vithelan is another mythic language, being the speech of the Vithelan High Gods. In Revealed Mythologies p93, Korudel is said to have uttered the first word, Tanye the Language Goddess. She is visible as a star (p98), and the movements of that Star created Tanyic Speech, the language of the High Gods.
Although Tanyen has been described as the native speech of most East Islers (Glorantha:Crucible Book #1 p35), I don't think humans can speak Tanyen (unless they were enlightened). What the East Islers speak instead is a low debased version of Tanyic speech (which might still have some magical effect).
--Peter Metcalfe
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