Peter M:
> Ur-Vithelan is another mythic language, being the speech of the
> Vithelan High Gods. In Revealed Mythologies p93, Korudel is
> said to have uttered the first word, Tanye the Language Goddess.
> She is visible as a star (p98), and the movements of that Star
> created Tanyic Speech, the language of the High Gods.
> Although Tanyen has been described as the native speech of
> most East Islers (Glorantha:Crucible Book #1 p35), I don't think
> humans can speak Tanyen (unless they were enlightened).
> What the East Islers speak instead is a low debased version
> of Tanyic speech (which might still have some magical effect).
I think RM has a slight conflation here. According to the
last myth of the month (
Dhan is the goddess of the first word, not Tanye. Tanye is
a later avatar of Dhan. Following the devolution, Dhanic
(Ur-Vithelan) is the language of the Yederjalif. There is
probably an intermediate language as well, used in the
Nils Weinander
We sail on a ship made of dreams.