Another review, this time of Chariot Miniatures' ducks.
These guys aren't that easy to find on CM's website (, as they are listed in the 15mm range instead of the 25mm one. The direct link to the page is:
There are five packs available, each include 8 (or 12) identical miniatures for L1.65 Check for their agents in other countries (US customers must use Sabre's Edge in Canada, but Australia has no less than 5 agents listed! - No excuses John, getcher ducks!).
All the ducks (except the "Egg guards") are pretty much the same figure with weapon and shield swaps. They are armored in a "muscled" breastplate, shoulder and thigh protection, chainmail loincloth, and slightly Persian-looking helm with crest. Arms and legs are bare, though they wear bracelets on their right wrist. Legs are sturdier than a normal duck's leg, with webbed feet. The backs of the fore-arms, throat and tail are feathered. The bill is a bit short, but distinguishable as a bill. Casting is good, with no visible mold lines and very little flash. Each stands 15mm Sole to Eye, 19mm to the top of the helmet crest. About waist-high on most human-sized figures.
QAK 1 - Duck with Halberd
The halberd is a nice axe blade with a sharp tip and a back-spike. The duck
carries a small round shield with a dished-in face.
QAK 2 - Duck with Sword
The sword is a scimitar, rather than straight. The shield is a large (for
the duck) oval, rather like a late Roman scutum
QAK 3 - Duck with Sling
The sling is simply held in his hand, and falls to the ground. The shield is
a small round Hoplon (Greek Hoplite shield)
QAK 4 - Duck, Young Egg-Guard with sling These guys are tiny - only 9mm S-E. They are armored the same as the bigger ducks, and carry a small round shield and sling. You get 12 of these.
QAK 5 - Duck with Spear
A simple spear, a full 20mm tall. The shield is another large oval, with a
sculpted animal head (it's probably supposed to be a duck, but it could be a
fox, a griffin.).
With these guys, the ones from DragonTooth, and a few old Ral parthas, I've got a Duck warband waiting for painting. Now if we could only convince Lance & Laser to make *real* ducks - with crossbows (peg legs extra...).
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