I would also appreciate comments on the foreword. Do you feel it in the=20 mood of a Godlearner university ?
Be seeing you,
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The following document has recently been acquired by the Library of=20
It was found with other objects of the Middle Sea Empire in Slontos among =
debris pushed inland by the waves of the submersion. According to the Issaries priest who sold it, another expedition is=20 planned but he refused to reveal other details.
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End of term exam 702 ST, University of Irenstos, Department of Applied=20 Mythology, 2nd level.
Reminder to the students :
- Mind and memory altering by magical or mundane means are forbidden=20
except Blessings by a member of the Holy Church.
- Communication with any kind of being or object, dead or alive, is=20
forbidden for the duration of the exam.
- Time flow tampering of any kind is forbidden.
Mythology applied to Metallurgy.
Pagan theist worshippers of the Storm pantheon believe that brass can be=20 obtained by mixing tin and copper because Umath was born of Earth and Sky=20 (Lesson 5).
worshipper of the pelorian Solar pantheon ? (1 scroll)
Hunschen) (Lesson 6 ) ? (5 scrolls)
from the East (Lesson 7) ? (2 scrolls)
You have until sunset.
May the Prophet give you the help that you deserve.
End of Glorantha Digest
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