Do they send spies in advance (mundane spies) or start by heroquesting in the realm of the would-be conquered and study his greater powers capability and link to the mundane world? Do they seed dissention before the real conquest, trying to make the victim ask for their intervention and to salvage their "political correctedness" or do they merely and brutally crush any resistance and annexe the new prey by right of superiority? Do they have a continuity of strategy, or are their strategies as mutable as their Mask's mood and as their flexible tactics? Is more economical (in terms of expenditure of resources) for them to use before and mainly their mundane resources or their supernatural ones (from mild persuasive magic to the crimson bat in a continuum of spectrum)?
I wonder, besides, how do they mark/defend and watch the "limes" of their growing empire. Do they rely "simply" on magic wards (like the huge reaching moon temples) or do they use towers of observation, fortification walls, patrols and spies to discover even the slightest of dangers? Do they array their forces on the boundaries or do they keep them on reserve to deal with the invading menace when it has already displayed its power?
I ask these questions with the Dragon Pass theatre in the XVI-XVII century as main object of observation, since probably their attitudes and strategy in other areas/periods vary accordingly (don't they?)
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