> >>But to the Vithelans it wasn't just that, but an event of >>the same scale as the great darkness to the Genertelans, >>when the very fabric of existence broke down.
Yes, that is the point.
>>This whole line of pondering started off from the description >>of the otherworlds collapsing/crashing/mixing during the >>great darkness. Wouldn't such an effect be noticed in Vithela >>even if the great darkness as such wasn't?
That was a rhetorical question.
>>From that I could >>only notice that Vithelan myth has its own event with similar >>convulsions, but clearly not "at the same time". Wouldn't >>that be noticeable elsewhere?
That too. See the conclusion:
>>Your summary of "concurrent" events make it clear that it >>isn't. So, the (to me) somewhat surprising conclusion is >>that the interaction of otherworlds isn't universal.
I'll try and summarize the whole thing a bit better. It seemed reasonable that the collapse of the otherworlds is universal in a way that mere conflicts aren't. It's not the mythic events that I would expect to be known to other cultures, but the "side effects" in these two particular cases (and possibly a number of others I haven't come to think about). However, the myths we have indicate that this isn't so.
> The GL also had a problem with the Vithelan sequence in that it did not
> match the other continents' scheme for the timing of some events.
> I know that. It's nota mistake on my part.
> Weird, eh?
Indeed, or perhaps not :-)
> I don't understand that. Oorsu Sara just wreaks great havoc and
> maybe destroys the cosmic order, thus preparing the following
> events, but aren't the Great Darkness that follow similar to the
> Demigods Cycle and they happening "at the same time"?
The Oorsu Sara war is "earlier" than the great darkness. The equivalent event of the explosion of the Spike occurs late in the demigos cycle (Herespur war).
> Although I don't know much about Vithela, I got the impression
> that in the Demigods Cycle there was awful confusion when people
> became unable to sort out illusions and began to worship Avanapdur
> or other manifestations of him/her. They can't know if they are
> sleeping or awake, which I'd interpret as the dead and living not
> being separated, in the Vithelan manner.
That is an interesting parallell.
> In summary, the Demigods cycle was much worse than Oorsu Sara IMO.
Not quite, IIRC Oorsu Sara invades the sky world, the mortal world and the underworld, whereas Herespur doesn't conquer the underworld. Also, at the height of Oorsu Sara's terror reign, the hill where Mashunasan sat was the only place in the world that was untouched.
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