This is my version of Adari from my early 1990's campaign - it isn't anything like Oliver Dickinsons (which I hated btw). It is not canon, it was fun however.
`Adari - Gateway to Darkness.
Ancient Adari has stood upon the edge of the Plains
of Prax since the Dawn age of Glorantha. It has always
been a border town where nearly everyone is passing
through and only those that seek profit from the
wandering caravans would ever find cause to settle.
Adari is now a well established stop for anyone
wishing to head north into Dagori Inkarth, or south
into the arid Plains of Prax.
Caravaneers come here seeking a safe market, guides
and the last trappings of civilisation before the long
hard journeys that lie ahead of them. Within the
grounds of the city's two market square can be
encountered traders from almost every land, surly
trolls with their monstrous insect beasts of burden,
frail looking elves with their herbs to sell, greedy
merchants from the Empire's heartlands or nomads
with their strange animals and dusky women.
Adari was settled around one hundred years after
Yelm had risen from Hell and the world was set to
rights. This was a time of peace, and Adari was
constructed with that aim. The World Council of
Friends, sent forth missionaries to preach the gospel of
One. Those guided to head east were led by a man
called Adari, he established a sight along the ancient
gateway to Dagori Inkarth where all races could meet
without conflict. This place soon became a place of
trade and sharing, and eventually grew to be a city of
During the third and fourth centuries of the First Age
this peace and unity became more fragile, disputes and
even outright war between the peoples of the world
greatly weakened the harmony that had gone before.
Adari weathered this time of turmoil well refusing to
break it's atmosphere of friendship and neutrality. The
power of it's priests held the city from those that
wished to detract from peace. In the land of Dorastor
the second council sought to create a new god, to
bring peace and harmony to the troubled world. The
so called Nysalor project began, the history of this
project is long and complex, but suffice to say that it's
results were to bring the world almost to the edge of
destruction, the Gbaji war raged across the continent.
When Gbaji marched upon the trolls of Dragon Pass
Adari allied in support of the trolls and once again had
it's walls smashed by chaos. For the rest of this time
Adari was little more than a ruin, world relations with
the trolls almost completely disintegrated and there
was no need for a trade centre like Adari.
In the Second Age life came once again to the
ancient city. This was the time of Empires. In Dragon
Pass there formed a Council of men and dragons,
called the Empire of the Wyrms friends. The EWF
sought knowledge to progress in their aims. They built
many outposts to gather this information, and Adari
was selected for such development. Once again the
markets flourished and trade commenced.
To the east of the city far across the plains on the
banks of the Zola Fel river the hated Godlearners built
the city of Robcradle, the tensions that existed
between the two Empires meant that the walls of
Adari were built taller, an army sat within it's walls,
and spies and scouts reported their findings to their
awaiting lords in Adari. Conflicts did occur, but Adari
stood them well. The unity of the EWF brought back
an almost Godtime harmony to the city, in 693ST a
delegation of trolls and elves met in Adari under a
banner of neutrality, and swore not to shed one
anothers fluids on the cities soil.(An agreement that
still stands, almost.)
In 842ST war broke out between the EWF and the
Godlearners, the Jrusteli's sorcery melts Adari's south
tower, but the EWF stands victorious. The next thirty
three years are Adari's most prosperous as the EWF
Pavis a half elf native of Adari heads east to establish
his great city, Adari becomes a major overland stop
over for all caravans.
In 907ST the Two Year winter hits Dragon Pass,
Adari suffered badly from famine and food riots broke
out, the cities empty granaries were razed. For the next
century the magical dabblings of the EWF became
more and more corrupted, in 1042ST the Dragonewts
rejected their former allies, and all the leaders of the
EWF were exterminated overnight. Adari was left
without leadership, and civil dispute soon raged
through the streets, that morning a thousand people
died and several section of the city were destroyed.
When leaders were found they were poorly suited, and
leeched away the cities remaining resources.
The world was once again in turmoil, the very
elements rebelled against the perversions of the
Godlearners. The leaderless Empire of the Wyrms
Friends rapidly began to collapse. From the hills west
came bandits and beggars, praying upon the weakness
of Adari. The end did not come, instead the dark time
dragged on.
Finally in 1120ST the sins of the EWF against
dragon kind were revenged in the so called Dragon
kill war.
The Dragon Kill war resulted in the extermination of
all human life in Dragon Pass. The people of Adari
had lost all connections with their old allies. Pavis was
the only other source of civilisation within a
reasonable distance, but Prax had become hostile as
many animal folk had turned to banditry.
The trolls were no longer interested in Adari as they
now had direct access to there kin in the south-west.
One hundred years after the decline of the EWF,
Adari was once again razed, this time by the Praxian
hero Jaldon Toothmaker, who sought to eraze all
civilisation from their lands.
The trolls of Dagori Inkarth looked east towards
Pavis with hungry eyes, and eventually under the
leadership of Gerak Kag they seized their opportunity
and conquered the city that had been weakened by
Jaldon Toothmaker. This made the people of Adari
even more afraid an insular, for fears of similar attacks.
Thus trapped on all sides, Adari fell into it's worst
time, known now as the Time of Empty Fear. The city
decayed, there was no construction at all during this
period, illiteracy, ignorance and fear led to almost
complete social collapse. Then from within the chaos
formed order, the last king from the inept Garval
dynasty died, and Fairbringer family took control of
the city. They were followers of Issaries, but they had
long upheld the practice of worshipping their
ancestors. A great ceremony was organised, and the
Fairbringer king Samason summoned all his ancestors,
who entered the congregation and brought inspiration.
Adari himself was amongst the ancestor, and he
preached the philosophy of unity and harmony that
had been so long forgotten. The city was given new
hope and direction.
Through many years of hard work old relationships
were rekindled, troll caravans once again headed for
Adari's markets. A great temple to Issaries was
established, and within the Palace grounds Adari had
a new temple constructed, here the ancestors of the
city resided ready to offer advice.
As people began to tentatively return to Dragon Pass,
links were forged with the growing kingdom of
Sartar. Once again caravans stopped off at Adari
seeking the shelter of it's markets. In 1503ST a great
market was held, to celebrate the fourteenth century of
Adari's founding, it was a market of great note, for not
only were trolls present, but also a large delegation of
Aldryami and Mostali aswell. Initially the strength of
the cities harmony was put under great strain, but soon
old rivalries were temporarily forgotten.
The citizens of Adari began to rebuild and expand
their city. Eventually good relations were made with
the Tribesmen of Prax, in the Treaty of Bullsblood,
Adari returned lands sacred to the praxians in return
for a concessionary peace.
The city is in a dreadful state of repair.
a)Everything is covered in dust, the wood is often termite infested. The walls are severly breached in many places. This is due to lack of interest in maintenance by former kings.
b) The wells are clogged with debris and water is imported at great cost. This was done by Mercuso the Fire Witch, a known hydrophobe. The previous Master/Mistress of the Wells protected the spirit of the city's wells by hiding her in the house known as 'Number 36, theYard that oversees wells".
c) The statue of Adari the unconquerable is tilted, knocked over in an ancient battle.
d) The Palace gate has been altered many times to suit the tastes of former kings. Has remenants of Gold, severed heads, ornate carvings, strange runes etc.
e) The Entrance to the Palace is guarded by two great statues. One is of Queen Helka, bride of Adari. The other is originally a statue to Adari, but the head has been removed. In the past clay heads of new kings replaced those of the founder. At the statues base is a wooden plaque, that declares "All hail King Ruk-
f) The courtyard of the Palace contains a cool and luscious fountain of ancient design. The Oceanid of this fountain is however a slave.
g) The Kings chamber is blocked by great Lead Wood doors. A small crack in the doors allows one person at a time to look into the chamber. Lead wood stops darksense, sight magic and is fire proof.
h) The Lead Crown, is a magical artifact. It contains the souls of all the former kings of Adari, who were slain by blood shed. They are forced to advise the new kings of Adari. The king is able to draw 1 pt of power for each previous kings so bound. At present the crown contains the spirits of 140 kings. The crown also allows the wearer to understand Auld Wyrmish and to speak this archaic tongue at 5 skill. This is due to its EWF connections. The crown cannot be taken beyond the precints of Adari, if removed it assualts the bearer with weird draconic magics.
i) The king also bears an ancient ceremonial sword and mace. These convey no magical properties and are no overly impressive to look at. They are however protected by the weird dragon magic curse.
j) The Old Castellan tower is a massive broch
formation. As are all the ancient towers of the city.
Thus it is a self contained fortress. Only two of the
three floors are safe to walk on. The rest are riddled
with termite. Three suits of armour can be found here,
they are trophies of ancient battles.
i) A suit of Aldryami leaf scale mail. desigend to fit
SIZ 9. Inside is a Warrior of Wood seed - the players
have activated this and it is now dormant.
ii) A suit of lead plate mail SIZ 20. This is the armour
of a Black Horse Knight, from Ethilrist's company. It
has no inherent magical properties, but is important to
the Black Horse folk.
iii) A suit of Aluminium armour. It floats in water, is
very light to wear. It keeps the wearer cool on land and
warm in the water. It is very valuable to river cultists.
Waertagi in origin, SIZ 13.
There is also a guardian spirit within the tower.
Called White Blade, he is the bretheren of Broadblade
Blue from Snake Pipe Hollow. He defends the city. If
called upon by an initiate of Humakt using a Religion
(Humakt) or a Ritual roll he will appear and report the
defenses of the city. He says it like this;
"I am White Blade, Son of Humakt. I am the stoic
defender of Adari. The walls are breached, but no
enemies are at our door....etc".
k) The House of the Mistress/Master of Wells is a half
wood, half stone affair. The floor is of redwood,
polished to a sleek shine. The walls are painted with
lapis lazuli. There are paintings;
i) A stylised drawing of the rivers (serpents) that
surround Adari. This is ancient and partly incorrect.
ii) A painting of the 'How Frog Woman stole Zola Fel,
heroquest' - this is a proper hero path record, if
interpreted by a Zola Fel priest.
iii) A painting of the Yelmalion 'River Ritual' - this is
a useful quest, but requires a Yelmalion noble to
perform it.
iv) The last part of the ceiling is stained with smiked
fish oil, this also is ancient.
The back room of the hall is made of river boulders,
that appear moist. These seal in an entrapped oceanid
of the common wells, and her undine companion.
l) The House of the Guard of Troll gate. This was until recently a temple to Zorak Zoran. The town could no longer support it and so the berserks went on a rampage and destroyed the few Humakti that the city supported and the fled to the hills. It is still a grim and bloody place, although non of its magic functions. The inner sanctum is guarded and blocked by a great piece of Giant Boot tree, decorated with many active foe cursers.
Adari - Personalities.
Ongor the Patient - Head of the Ceremonial Guard. Age 70. Initiate of Adari the Unconquerable. An aging man, frail of limb and body. He bears a great white beard that trails almost to the floor. His hair is braided in the manner of the EWF. He wears his polished copper breastplate when ever in public and rests upon a ceremonial mace-staff. On holy days he wears the purple robes of Adari. He is dreadful as a warrior, but loved by the King's guard. His position is heriditary, but he has no heirs. As Head of the Ceremonial Guard he knows all the secrets ways of the palace, and the location of all the cities magical defenses. He believes himself to be a master tactician and has spent many years planning the glory of Adari, his small quarters in the palace tower are littered with maps of the region, scrolls about great warriors and images of Adari's military history.
Harvar Tolkan - The Master Mason of Flintnail.
Age 40. Initiate of Adari and Issaries.
Like many members of the council, Harvar's role is
ceremonial. A true priest of the Mason god has not
lived in Adari since Gerak Kag assualted the rubble.
Harvar is responsible for public works and city
maintenance, however due to quirks in local law he
cannot undertake any construction work without the
Kings request. So far in Harvars career he has not been
asked to build a single building, nor could he. Harvar
in reality spends most of his time working as a
jeweller (and fence), offering evaluations and
purchasing gems at the Caravanserai.
Flynn Oreel - Speaker of the Populace.
Age 35. Initiate of Lanbril and Black Fang.
Flynn is the very public face of Adari's commonest
profession, that is banditry. He is small, slim and
handsome. He never travels without his favoured
weapons of main guache and scimitar. He originally
hails from the city of Pavis and is distantly related to
the Ingilli family. The Black Fang cult uses him as
their go between in Adari. Flynn heads up a small
gang of highway men called the 'Ebon'. His favourite
prey is rich Lunar merchants, his party are all wanted
by the Empire. As of yet the Empire has no direct
Sir Hadabone - Speaker of Argan Argar.
Age 13(Apparent). Priest of Adari and Argan Argar.
Hadabone is not a true trollkin. He is in fact the
former spirit of Guptal, a former Servant of the
Chamber. Guptal was slain and eaten by a Zoraki
berserk, who then turned him into a ghost. The ghost
then possessed a trollkin slave. With a new body
Guptal wrought his revenge upon the berserk by
choking him with a demi-bird wishbone. The Hagda
the Troll Queen would had Guptal slain if he had not
then used his wits and magics to defeat three of her
champions. Instead he was bleesed with longevity and
became the go between for the human King and his Uz
This occured a century ago and since then Guptal has
served the kings of Adari as the go between for
humans and trolls. Everyone knows the story of the
trollkin, but do not discuss it for fear of retribution.
His nickname is the only connection with his past.
Hadabone looks for all the world like an ordinary, if
well groomed trollkin in minature EWF robes and
trollish lead boots.
Chopal the Butcher - Master of the Corrals.
Age 50. Initiate of Waha the Butcher.
Chopal was once a khan of the Zebra folk. He was
wounded during the Jaldon Games, when his folk
allied to compete alongside the Bison people. Left for
dead by his people to starve in the desert, as is there
way. However Copal could not face death and so
staggered towards the the city of Adari. He spent many
years trading the knowledge of his people in return for
grog. Eventually his wounds recovered and he was
able to get work as a mule skinner. He is now the head
of his profession and is now master of the Adari's meat
markets. He is a rich man, who is accustomed to city
life. He loves his grog, especially imported wine.
Many Praxian see him as soft and despite his
apparently imposing appearance he does little to
disagree with them. Chopal maintains a statue of
Eirithan Herd Mother and Waha the Butcher in the
centre of the corrals. Sometimes nomads come to
stand and laugh at such foolery, gravely upsetting
Chopal and sending him into a drinking binge.
Sedina - Misstress of Slavery.
Age 25.
Daringly beautiful, lithe and elegant.
Sedina always dresses in deep purple soft leather trews
and jerkin.
Appears to be absent minded and air headed at times.
Becomes glazed when bargaining hard.
Immense constitution and strength.
Rumoured to be an ogress by her enemies.
Superb at unarmed combat and unusual martial arts.
Several morokanth are her servants.
SECRET: She is in fact the awakened herd woman,
her master is a crippled morokanth slaver called,
Fanvarl Whistler - Voice of the Storm Folk.
Age 63.
An aging Orlanthi thane. His is the representative of
the cottars and carls that try to scrape a living from
Adari's barren land.
Comes from an exiled and extinct Colymar clan.
Knows the secret of Thunderstones.
Has performed the 'Defeating of Aroka' quest, and
failed. This is partly the reason for Daga strength.
Fanvarl is a widower, but his wife's spirit communes
with him on certain Ernaldan Holy days.
Fanvarl dislikes Uroxi
Boldam - Bearer of the Cup.
Age 44.
High Priest of Issaries, master of the city market.
A wealthy man, but always generous.
Big, jovial, restless.
Likes to drink and loves entertaining.
Always seems to be able to aqcuire goods that are
hard to get.
Owns many precious and stolen works of art.
Volkas Korvan - Speaker of the King's Laws.
Age 55.
A law speaker of Lhankor Mhy and Adari.
Very knowledgable about Adari and Environs.
The author of 'Tada the Super Hero'
Highly respected as a judge of character.
Easily bribed.
Carries a satchel that holds the laws of Adari.
Dislikes Yelmalians and Light cultists.
Fadiam Hul-Pah - Servant of the Chamber.
Age 36. Initiate of Adari and Issaries.
A small, quiet spoken man.
Very intelligent.
Very calming and charismatic.
PC's may not trust, but he is totally honest.
Has a great sense of Adari politics.
Knows ALL the secrets of Adari.
Loves Adari.
Gandian Yssan - High Priest of Adari.
Age 49.
A figure head in the city.
Like the city he is sickly and aging.
Knows a powerful city harmony spell.
Very preoccupied with making Adari great.
Trying to break the 'Robber King's Curse'.
Holds the keys to the palace.
Obsessed with history and Adari archeaology.
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