> Today's Topics:
> 1. The God Of Rapists (Michael Cule)
> 2. Re: Meeting your God (Trotsky)
> 3. Re: Meeting your God (Julian Lord)
> 4. They are still dualities (Greg Stafford)
> 5. Cultural relativism and Chaos (Peter Larsen)
> 6. Resurrection quest? (Peter Larsen)
> 7. Re: Chaos is more than broos (Peter Larsen)
> 8. Re: The Chaoticness of Tapping (Peter Larsen)
> 9. A Few More Thoughts on Maran (Peter Larsen)
> 10. Re: meeting your God (Peter Larsen)
> -- __--__--
> Message: 1
> Date: Sun, 1 Sep 2002 11:07:57 +0100
> To: glorantha_at_rpglist.org
> From: Michael Cule <mikec_at_room3b.demon.co.uk>
> Subject: The God Of Rapists
> Reply-To: glorantha_at_rpglist.org
> In message <1030874306.1016920.0_at_[]>,
> glorantha-request_at_rpglist.org writes
> >
> >It isn't. But Rapists, both here and in glorantha, do not need any god
> >to tell them their actions are right.
> Some people are mad or tough minded enough to admit that what they are
> doing is wrong and will damn in the eyes of the good gods. This does not
> necessarily stop them doing it.
> But others (both here and in Glorantha) need to feel that they are the
> ones who have got it right and the rest of the world is out of step with
> reality. They invent or find justifications and people who agree with
> them. Misery loves company and the perverted will find those who will
> tell them that what they are doing is 'natural' and 'the one true way'.
> This is how Thed and other such abominations acquire human worshippers.
> --
> Michael Cule
Further, let's not forget that Gods give magic and power in Glorantha.
Which would most serial rapists choose - to be atheists and not gain power
through their act, or to worship a god of rape and not only indulge in their
normal violation, but gain power from doing so?
This is one of the dark sides of Lunar belief, BTW - that evil like this is
not only permissible, but necessary (although yoked to the Red Goddess'
power.) It seems that the greatest crime in Lunar dogma is freedom.
"No one can make you do anything."
"Violence is always an option."
"Mistakes are made, and fixed."
"A good man does all things well."
- The proverbs of Orlanth, King of the Storm Gods.
"Orlanth is King, and we are his tribe!"
Orlanthi Rallying Cry
Chris Bell