>So, there are actions that are chaotic theirselves, of chaotic un-nature
>(or perhaps depends of the grade, as "torture for pleasure"). If somebody
>can perceive Chaos (an uroxi) he could see that the action itself was chaotic.
>Could he?
The Uroxi can only detect someone tainted by chaos. A non-broo rapist could walk by him and not trigger off his senses.
>I would like to know what are these actions. Rape? torture? kinstrife?
>cannibalism? treason? human sacrifice? tapping? slavery? spreading
>disease? killing people without any reason?
IMO: Rape and Treason are chaotic actions by virtue of the known gods for them. A form of cannibalism is chaotic. Kinstrife is not chaotic but it can cause chaos in some unclear way. Spreading disease, slavery and torture are not chaotic neither is human sacrifice. Tapping is a special case - its usage is not chaotic but its abuse can be.
Finally Killing people without any reason is not chaotic as that is what the greatest Humakti do.
>Is their chaotic nature more-or less widely known (so my players know that
>these actions are chaotic)?
It depends on the culture. Orlanthi know about Thed and so would know that Rape is chaotic. They don't have too much trouble with treason and would not think of it as chaotic. They know about Ogres but I think it would be better for heroes to discover the origin of Ogres. As for Tap - all sorcerers are evil.
--Peter Metcalfe
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