>>The Marani can "get away with it" for the same
reason that Humakti can "get away" with killing their
kin: they are contained within a compartment of the
social structure that is pecifically "designed" to
contain them.
>If the evil act is "contained", is it chaotic or not,
or nobody knows?
Maranites do not become ogres. You decide.<<
IMG, one question that must be asked about the Exiles by Orlanthi player characters is "Do we want these Orlanthi as allies?" They have slavery, human sacrifice, headtaking - all practices we think are bad. They do them in a sacred way, they say that they act out of necessity. The Exiles are a response to the end of the world, but they may not be part of the future the heroes want to build. Such questions are IMO part of what the Hero Wars is about and for narrators and players to reach conculsions about in their games.
"Give the kids tools, so they can go build their own houses; not the blueprint of what the houses should be." Tori Amos
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