>IMG, one question that must be asked about the Exiles
>by Orlanthi player characters is "Do we want these
>Orlanthi as allies?" They have slavery, human
>sacrifice, headtaking - all practices we think are
Ultimately, this is a lot more interesting than the more theoretical questions we've been asking lately. Certainly, it's more likely to directly affect a game and players.
Whatever the mechanisms of chaos, the average Gloranthan (much less the average Heortling) is going to have very little understanding of how "the rules" work. So what does your clan think about the Exiles? Uz, Mostali, and Aldrayami make useful (if occasionally troublesome) allies -- how far can you bend your understanding of Orlanth's Laws and your clan's traditions to deal with them? How far can your clan or tribe exalt a particular cult before it makes them "too different." The Kitori and Torkani were able to bend the Storm Pantheon pretty far in the direction of Darkness, although they have both paid for their decisions. The Lismelder honor Humakt far more than other tribes (for very good reasons) -- this has to affect how they act and behave and how other Sartari see them. The Balmyr might regard the Lismelder as having gone too far (even while benefiting from the "buffer state" the Humakti maintain at the edge of the Marsh. the Lismelder may, in turn, look at the Exiles as "over the edge." Every clan has something that makes them unique and therefore "different" and therefore "bad" to other Sartari.
Peter Larsen
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