>I for one am very weary of this discussion, and though I am not telling
>people to stop, I am wondering why it is dragging on and on.=20
Well, humanity has been discussing the question of why some people can apparently get away with committing deliberate acts of evil for at least the last 2,500 years, and the question still hasn't been satisfactorily answered...
Peter Larsen:
> True, but if there is some sense of the "standard," you can=20
>spot the exceptions rather than having a bunch of exceptions that=20
>pretend to be a standard....
You're not one of them God Learner fellows, are you? ;-)
Donald Oddy:
>Nothing in Glorantha ever is clear cut, but I would describe chaos as =
>which damage the social fabric of a particular society.=20
IMO it's more general: acts which damage Glorantha. (By which I mean much more than just the physical world - such as the bonds that tie people together, and the power of ideas). Chaos is opposed to Cosmos.
End of Glorantha Digest
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