> Well, humanity has been discussing the question of why some people can
> apparently get away with committing deliberate acts of evil for at
> least the last 2,500 years, and the question still hasn't been
> satisfactorily answered...
Depends what you mean by 'satisfactorily' ...
No universally acceptable answer to these questions is possible, because good and evil are relative concepts (when applied to human actions) further complicated by individual/group/shared aestheticism, moralities, and cultural purposes and cross-purposes.
OTOH, the concepts of good and evil are anthropological universals, and we can be satisfied that our abstract understanding of the combination of these facts and our understanding of human limitations is correct.
Also, RW myths combining the notions of good and evil with individual, fragmentary perception of these ideas (Adam & Eve being the obvious example) are *quite* satisfying from any normal gognitive, ontological, & mainstream POV.
BUT : Glorantha *isn't* the RW, and the question of why some people can apparently get away with committing deliberate acts of evil is a different question when applied to Glorantha, not RW.
Answer : Auctores Narratores lusores fiant, Greg autem.
Julian Lord
End of Glorantha Digest
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