> Message: 3
> Date: Fri, 06 Sep 2002 08:08:26 -0700
> To: glorantha_at_rpglist.org
> From: Greg Stafford <greg_at_glorantha.com>
> Subject: I'd be interested to learn more of this
> Reply-To: glorantha_at_rpglist.org
> >From: "TERRA INCOGNITA" <inarsus-ferilt-z_at_mrg.biglobe.ne.jp>
> >and some of Japanese RQ players have said that the most fascinating
> >of Glorantha derived from its reality....
> I'd be interested to hear more bout this perspective.
That is from our recent discussion about the difference between Esrolians (Heortlings) and Lunars for the lawsuit in HW-jp mailing list, if I have a chance, I want to talk some about it.
> >The Lord of the Rings: Orcs = Gloranthan Broos?
> Just for the record, I had been writing about Gloranth for some time
> I ever discovered Tolkein. While parallels do exist, it would be an error
> to derive Gloranthan reality from JRRT's world.
Yes, I know well. But at least I can say Tolkien's World is older than
Please see my clumsy post to HW mailing list just before my trip to Venice,
for the reference:
the difference between Joerg and Peter,
they fell to "parallel lines". (In Japanese, it means "The two sides
remained as far apart.")
> At 05:52 AM 9/6/2002 -0400, you wrote:
> >Joerg and Peter:
> >How about Rokari in Heortland?
> >> > > This has been reconciled by the publications in TR and subsequent
> >> > > manuscripts. Less Aeolians in the north than I said, way more
> >> > > influential in the south than Peter wanted to admit.
> That is the current poisition.
> >> The current thinking from Issaries, or to be more precise, what Greg
> >> was musing on the topic a couple of weeks ago, is that the Aeolian's
> >> strength in Heortland is recent (as a result of cooperation between
> >> and King Rikard) and that most of the Malkioni are conservatives/Rokari
> >> that live in the river valleys (as per the old article).
> >It means that there is relatively drastic change occurred after the Death
> >Belintar?
> Is that a surprise?
No, but Joerg might thinks there might be greater change than Peter assume for Joerg thinks Heortling had been "relatively" changed greatly by the intrusion of King Richard Tigerhearted. And Rokari cannot come to Kethaela before the Opening except few coming along the coastline and domains of trader princes.
About Aeolians, see here in Official Site: http://www.glorantha.com/hw/cultlong_aeolus.html Maybe it is changed in HQ rule, isn't it?
> >Joerg:
> ><<Last time I talked to Greg (and he was musing then, too) the Aeolians
> >were so dominant for Esvular that they were the main HeroQuest keyword
> >for that region. But Greg's musings are as steady as the winds...
> The main change for today is that an earlier form and competitive form of
> Malkionism existed in Heortland alongside Aeolianism, which is a very
> unusual form of religion that has recently come to the fore.
"an earlier form and competitive form of Malkionism".......??
I am confused as you now expect.
> >We'll know as soon as there is official word on events and places in
> >Heortland. Which might take some time...
> Only until HQ is out. The simple monotheism of the area will be outlined.
What means "simple monotheism"? OK, you'll teach us when HQ is out.
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