>From: gd_at_stempest.demon.co.uk (Stephen Tempest)
>Donald Oddy:
>>Nothing in Glorantha ever is clear cut, but I would describe chaos as
>>acts which damage the social fabric of a particular society.
>IMO it's more general: acts which damage Glorantha. (By which I mean
>much more than just the physical world - such as the bonds that tie
>people together, and the power of ideas). Chaos is opposed to Cosmos.
This is probably true in an abstract sense but doesn't help us determine what acts are chaotic at an individual level. Trolls eat their own dead which is cannibalism to most human societies, Maran Gor worshippers kill slaves and captives to eat as part of their religious rites, HonEel worshippers sacrifice humans to grow maize - which acts damage Glorantha? and by how much?
No doubt some God Learner worked it all out on his slide rule but I doubt the answer is meaningful. Rather I prefer to leave the definition as a matter of cultural values which have an undetermined effect on Glorantha as a whole.
-- Donald Oddy http://www.grove.demon.co.uk/ --__--__-- End of Glorantha Digest
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