So here's some more MGMV-type speculation ... ;-)
We're told that Uz can see three colours, black, red, and white.
OK, but this is Glorantha : Darkness isn't (always) just an absence of light, some things are naturally dark or even 'radiate' dark. I'd suggest that the Uz can actually see dark as distinct from black, so they could see a suberiad and a black wall as having two different colours.
This has some interesting implications : the biggest one is that trolls actually have three colour receptors in their eyes, just as humans do, but dark, light, and red/infrared (IMG : otherwise just dark, light, and red) instead of red, yellow/green, blue.
This means they can see as rich a spectrum of colours as humans can, although many of these colours are hard to imagine, but of course they still have weak eyes and poor sight in general.
But, there are individual uz with good eyesight. How would they see the world ?
Well, instead of the human sequence black, grey, white, they'd have dark, black, grey, white.
And hot, red, colourless in the basic colour spectrum.
which gives us :
dark black grey white hot zorak * coal * lod kolm * red kuzg * red * gor * pink colourless dark black * grey white
Plus a new colour midway between dark, light, and red that we simply can't imagine (basically the uz equivalent of brown, so "brown").
And all shades in between.
So actually, quite a rich palette.
Written darkspeech : must be written with dark, kuzg, or zorak ink (not black) or similar medium on a black, red, gor, pink, grey, white or similar non-dark surface (one favourite is writing kuzg letters and Runes on a black surface : invisible to most non-uz !).
Julian Lord
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