>Learn about the Malkioni
>> calendar, gasp in awe at the list of saints! And, er, well that's it at
>> the moment, but we wouldn't want to over-excite you all, now, would we?
>> No cool pictures? Well, no, but that's because we're nice and logical,
>> you see, keep everything neat and simple. Malkionism: You know it makes
>> sense.
>Logic and Math have caused the headache to my simple brain.....
>My attitude is more positive to your "aberrant" and "mad prophets" sects
>like Arkati and Carmanians.
Mine too, but I'm writing from the POV of mainstream Malkionism.
>I'm not sure your great work for the Malkioni sect history family tree is
>right or wrong.
>How far is it official?
Totally unofficial - that's why it isn't on the Issaries website :-)
>Why Gerlant and Talor are divided? (They are under the 3rd Council) to North
>and South?
Yes, they were both at the 3rd Council, which was the last time
Malkionism came close to being genuinely united, IMO. Even then, I
believe that the unity claimed for that Council is less than the
reality. True, their arguments weren't on major points, but they needed
the Council (and, perhaps more to the point, they needed the later
Councils) precisely because they still had differences of opinion. In
part, its a difference in emphasis: the Talorites emphasise joy in
creation and the Gerlantites emphasise redemption from sin. However,
these (and the Ouxites from Jrustela) were not really separate churches
in the way that (say) the Rokari and Hrestoli are today - they are
separated on the diagram to show historical relationships of modern-day
>How about the Influence of Abiding Book? (from Jrustela) from 5th Council?
This is the sort of complexity that such a simple diagram cannot hope to
show (similarly the Syanorans have a more complex past than implied on
the tree). The Abiding Book has had a huge influence on many different
Malkioni sects and been incorporated into otherwise radically different
-- Trotsky Gamer and Skeptic ------------------------------------------------------ Trotsky's RPG website: http://www.ttrotsky.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/ --__--__--
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