For the rest us, there are times when we want some figures, whether to help
resolve some confused skirmish in the middle of a roleplaying session or
else because we fancy playing out the battles of the Hero Wars. This is
where Paper Wars comes in.
This is a series of CD-roms, loaded with high-resolution colour images of
Gloranthan warriors, monsters, heroes and citizens, by three of the key
artists defining the look of Glorantha today: Dario Corallo, Simon Bray and
Sarah Evans. The figures are set up, ready to be printed out, folded and
used in play. The great thing about having the images on CD is that you can
print whichever ones you want, however many you need and at whatever scale
you'd like! Some of the figures are lone individuals, but in many cases they
come in units, with officers and standard-bearers, too.
The first three CDs should be available at the end of October, and we are taking pre-orders now, with a special deal (see bottom of this message).
Heortling thanes, villagers and fyrd, Vingan defenders, Uroxi berserkers,
Odaylan hunters, a Humakti death company, raiders and guards, even that
vital commodity, the cow. Also, some neighbours, some friendly, others
decidedly less so: ducks, broos, a few Lunars and more. 100 different
figures. Price Code A. (USW 8001)
Enter the Empire! A wide range of Imperials, from Heartland Corps soldiers
to Carmanian wizards, Thunder Delta Slingers to Tarshite cataphracts,
priests of the Crimson Bat and Crater Makers. Also, other enemies (or
unlikely allies), such as trolls and trollkin, Praxians, baboons, a
Cacodemon fiend and more. 100 different figures. Price Code A. (USW 8002)
A bumper disk containing all the figures from PW1 and PW3, along with
another 25, including Kallyr and the other heroes of the Rebellion, for a
total of 225. Price Code B. (USW 8003)
PRICES (including postage)
Code A
Orders from UK: £7.50 ($12)
Orders from Continental Europe: £8 ($13)
Rest of the World: £8.50 ($14)
Code B
Orders from UK: £14 ($22)
Orders from Europe: £15 ($23)
Rest of the World: £16 ($25)
Sterling prices are for payments by Sterling cheque, made out to 'M Galeotti & S Bray' sent to The Unspoken Word, PO Box 278, Madeley, Cheshire CW3 9YY, UK; dollar prices are for payments through the PayPal system, sent to the account
Order before the release of the disks, and we will cover your postage,
making the special prices:
Code A
Orders from UK: £7 ($12)
Orders from Continental Europe: £7.50 ($12)
Rest of the World: £8 ($13)
Code B
Orders from UK: £13 ($20)
Orders from Europe: £14.50 ($22)
Rest of the World: £15 ($23)
Remember, these prices only apply for orders made before the release!
Please note, these CD-roms are designed to be Windows-compatible. They may work with Apple computers, but at present we can make no guarantees about such cross-compatibility.
End of Glorantha Digest
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