Tradetalk # 11 - Handra & The New Fens is back from the printer, and almost=20
on the way to you. TT # 12 - Heortland is in the works (we still need two or=
three articles...hint, hint).=20
Now we are searching for authors for another issue of Tradetalk - the mature=
readers only issue. :-)
All the gritty parts of Glorantha in one issue: Sex, violence, gore, ...
Any volunteers for a cult writeup of Uleria? Babeester Gor? Thed?=20
Interested in doing a writeup of The city of Zoria? How to cook a duck?=20 Praxian slave habits? Lunar/Carmanian Orgys? How do Morokanth slaughter a=20 herdman?
Anything else?
Please email me directly.=20
Editor of Tradetalk
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