Joerg Baumgartner
<< Me:
>> That said, I don't see any normal Storm God bother to procreate
>> without taking company.
>> Rather than about Urox's mixed nature, we ought to be puzzled=20
>> about Kolat's pure spirit nature... >>
> Doesn't it make it difficult to consider Umath as a "normal"=20
> storm god to begin with?
Umath set the pattern which the normal storm gods followed, he is the
norm. Orlanth is a certain form of deviation from this norm... >>
And Kolat another... :-) Say, after Umath was killed, his winds dispersed=20
into the 'spirit world' (as a kolating PoV, but they wouldn't use such words=
telling the Umath myth to other Heortlings, who are told the spirit world wa=
reached through the Whistling Cave or somesuch). Kolat's conquest of the=20
spirit world justifying his spirit nature?
I was tempted to have him spawned by Umath without any company,=20 because of the mythical context of Kolat's shaman status and a bit in=20 ST p. 199, =A73, where Umath's anger bursts through the roof.=20
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