IIRC, I think the situation is more complicated and River Oslir was not changed as other rivers of Peloria. Please see the Myth of Blue Serpent Sshorga.
First Nestendos came from North (not South) as GROY illustration hinted and some Pelandan Mythology hinted. Maybe Murharzarm reversed the flow, or not.(Late Golden Age) But at least
Later, after Yelm was murdered (via Godlearner or Belintar View, Orlanth changed Aroka into Oslira and ordered to fill the Oppressive Empire.) Oslira was tamed by the Shargashi hero and called her mother, Sshorga. (Early Storm Age)
Perhaps after that, Spike was destroyed and Magasta reversed the other rivers flow. Korang was maybe drowned by the Skyfall water till that time. (Though there is not Time from the POV of Orlanthi cosmology before Great Compromise.) (Great Darkness)
> Terra Incognita:
> > >Naturally, as proven long
> > >ago, this is divine worship and requires submission of the
> > >individual to this single entity, which is very foolhardy and
> > >dangerous. The Fonritans do not accept that, being theists."
> > >RM p41-42
> >
> >Sorry, I cannot grasp the context of simple "do not accept that, being
> >theists." Does it mean that Fonritans are theists in the Godlearner
> >categorization, but Fonritans don't admit it?
> It means that Fonritans do not accept that the practice "submission
> of the individual to this single entity" is "very foolhardy and
I see. I at least understand they are theists.
Simon Bray:
>I think Orgiastic, Adorationist and all those other fun methods must exist
Though Revealed Mythology told so, Adoration is not Shamanic practice any more for Greg, IIRC.
About Lunar Empire, as a part of Genertela, center of Theistic Worship, most of Lunars are theists as Heortlings and Alakorings. IMO. (70% - 80%?)
Except: Animists (Hungry Plateau Waha, Deneroni of Darsen, Darjiinites, Eoltes, Char Uns and other Pentan Nomads) Sorcerers (Carmanian Visirs, Blue Sorcerers, College of Magic) Mystics (Lunar Selects, Jernotian Mystics, Rashoranites, Arkati Terrorists....)
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