> > > >IMO here are far more good map in Thunder Rebels p.144 [for
> > > > the flood].
> > > But that isn't the Flood but the earlier Invasion of the Waters which
> > > Murharzarm repels. The Flood is a far more devastating event.
First, we talked about RM Malkioni Storm Age map, and I said that was written by Westerners rather indifferent to the change of north continent.
> >IIRC, I think the situation is more complicated and River Oslir was not
> >changed as other rivers of Peloria. Please see the Myth of Blue Serpent
> >Sshorga.
> I'm not sure what you mean here. That myth takes place after
> Yelm's death which means it is not the Invasion of the Waters
> but the Flood.
Second, the map of Thunder Rebels was written from the POV of Orlanthi, and in the myth of it, Orlanth killed Aroka after he had killed Yelm. So IMHO it is the Flood if I can think godlearnishly, Oslir was not created by Orlanth, he had it swollen and reverse the flow. (My POV of Unified Rationalized Way)
> >First Nestendos came from North (not South) as GROY illustration hinted
> >and some Pelandan Mythology hinted.
> Nestendos is said explicitly to have come from the north according to
> the GRAY text itself on page 11.
Dara Happans stopped several times the flow of Oslira in mythology. (Belintar's Book, by the Entika, and in Manarlavus the Roofer Reign) And IMHO they are always punished by their arrogant way of Civilization, (though Dara Happans never think so....)
Maybe the second flood in Gods of Glorantha peloria myth talked about the destruction of the Dome and Anaxial Dynasty after Vanyoramet was killed and Manimat succeeded.
I think the Argrath Saga talked about the backward flow as a Omen to the
Reverse of Mythic Age.
Perhaps the River is the Metaphor of Time of Righteous Order, (though most
DHs doesn't admit it, as water is an inferior element....) Ziggurat is a
artificial mountain for lowlanders. And Dara Happans loves to live there
though they prefer to the pure realm of the Sky....
In a sense, from the POV of Pelorians, water is friendly to the Sky in the Mythic Age (from down to up), but antagonistic in Historical Age....
>Since confusion over which way it
> flowed dates as far back as Gods of Glorantha (the Jrusteli Monomyth
> contains an artless reconciliation on page p10), the confusion is
> perhaps intentional.
Hmm, surely, the Flood began from the North in the text of Gods of
Did you make sure about it? (Perhaps Greg changed his mind or found good
reason to make the contradiction reasonable....)
In Historical Age, Oslir flows out from Rockwood and into the White Sea (and maybe the water go through under the Glacier to West Ocean....) (The flow direction of each LE rivers is sometimes difficult to grasp, FREX, from Oronin to Fleshwater Sea through Poralistor thereafter White Sea.... and from Fleshwater, through Janube into West Ocean....is it right?)
Perfectly IMHO, maybe Orlanth ordered Aroka to incite the water of north Genertela to submerge DH......
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