>>> > The Darjiinians are animists yet have a high population.
>>>Which aspect of Darjiinian religious practices do you mean?
>>>Surenslib, Manimat, Yestendos or Suvar? All have been presented
>>>as theist.
>In the GRAY, the magicians of the Darjiinians are described as
>Shamans (p96).
True enough, but in the rather more recent source of G:IitHW, Surenslib
is described as a 'great goddess' and Manimat and Yestendos as 'gods'.
Given that the book quite specifically does not use those terms to
describe, e.g. Waha, Kargzant or Pamalt, the intent seems fairly clear.
Which of the two sources is now considered the correct one, I obviously
couldn't say (though I'm inclined to take the more recent source over
the avowedly 'unfinished' work). Unless both are correct and the
Darjiini practice misapplied worship, which seems a bit odd to say the
-- Trotsky Gamer and Skeptic ------------------------------------------------------ Trotsky's RPG website: http://www.ttrotsky.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/ --__--__--
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