I'll be blunt, I'm on the scrounge. I'm after any scenarios/notes/ideas that you may have had for the Pavis/Big Rubble area preferably for RQ2. Obviously beggars cant be choosers :-)
I've already plundered most of the web sites I can find, grabbed the gold and dropped the clacks but I thought some of you guys might have some gems hidden away in the dark corners of your hard disks that I could purloin.
What brings on this vast bout of laziness you ask? Old age, work, family
(delete as appropriate). In essence I don't have much spare time (who
does?) and I want to run some RQ which my regular gaming group (16 years and
still going) can immerse themselves in without over taxing their poor brains
(or mine). Why RQ2 - well I'm a sentimentalist at heart and all the
re-releases of the old RQ material brought back fond memories of my
miss-spent youth.
Glad to still see people here after all this time, it must be 8 years since I last lurked around here :-)
Tim Westlake
End of Glorantha Digest
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