>>>the Aeolians are the only known religion to practice [misapplied
>>>worship] to any large extent.
>>What about the Pentan Storm Tribes then? What entities does the
>>Bronze Prophet present to the horse nomads?
>Gods and Spirits. Merely because the main religion is animistic
>does not mean that every entity worshipped has to be a spirit.
Fine. Rephrased for the Aeolians, this sounds like: Merely because the main religion is sorcerous does not mean that every entity worshipped has to be an essence.
Besides, the penalty for misapplication wouldn't be any different for theists worshipping spirits animistically on the side, animists sacrificing to deities, or saint-revering people sacrificing to deities.
>After all, look at the Orlanthi - is Kolat a god because the Orlanthi
>are theists? No.
Is Little Brother a spirit?
>>A similar question can be made for the natures of Kargzant and Antirius
>>after the Sun Swirl.
>So the worship of Kargzant today (as practiced by the Pentans
>and Grazers) is misapplied worship of a god?
Did I say so? What I was wondering about was the means how the Dara Happan population was forced to support their emperors' rites.
>It isn't stated as such in the HeroWars rules and I'm pretty certain that's
>not a mistake.
You mean the rules which have theist worship for Darjiinians by default, especially in the light of the companion volume about Glorantha? ;-)
Which wasn't a mistake, either, just a change.
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