> >What makes you think [Seseko] wields purer Doraddic magics
> >[than Kalabar]?
>Because it is hard not to be purer Doraddic than the Fonritians if you use
>any of the great Pamaltelan spirits (like Sikkanos).
But I don't see how using Sikkanos is evidence of purer Doraddic magics. Sikkanos is a Pamaltelan deity and would be known by other people than the Doraddi.
> >If you think that the Kalabarites are God Learners, then they are too
> >early. The city is founded in 679 ST which is before the God Learners
> >really got started.
>Weren't you the one who said that in 654 the God Learners were active in
>Umathela? What made you change your mind?
I haven't changed my mind. There's a difference between "being active" and "really got started".
--Peter Metcalfe
End of Glorantha Digest
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