>> Glorantha does not follow the real world model of
>> animism -> organized religion -> philosophy.
>It offers these in a conflict of worlds instead. Pamaltelan animism has
>been refined from great urban structures (Tishamto) into structures that
>work better (modern Doraddi). Fonrit is a reversal of this development,
>and is using "alien" methods.
Even in RW, high metaphysics and philosophy isn't equal to high population
rate, materialistic civilzation.
(Western Civilization depends on Puritanism and the concept of Western
Philosophy that nature is subservient to human society as Bible taught us,
while we eastern people know how to harmonize and communicate with
Nature....(I can't remember who said it.....))
Robin Laws divided Glorantha into four along the teaching of Cult of Terror, rejecting the course of RQ 3rd concept in a sense except Elder Races. Misapplied Worship, Swindling to Mixed Worship and Mysticism (Peter and Joerg, from HW to HQ)
HW Rulebook 1st Edition
Animism in Theistic Society
Deneroni Ancestors of Darsen p.205 (and Darjiini) among Lodrilli theists
Kolati among Heortlings
> Secrets are important because
> they are representative of transcendental being.
Can I translate it into
"Secrets of each other entities are derived from Mystical Transcendental
Existence" (Greg's new statement?)?
HW Rulebook 1st Edition
Tarumathi of Orlanthi p.218
Perfecti and Zzaburi Malkionism p.218 (& magi of Carmania)
Norumism of Doraddi p.218 (But Noruma is shaman.....)
Below is my vague concept:
In the original Robin Law concept, I think each of directions are opposed
each other, especially North (Devotion) versus South (Equal Exchange), West
(Outward) and East (Inward).
In a sense, orthodox mysticism itself deny the idea of centralized and urbanized community, but in Kralorela, Dragon taught Kralori how to commune with Nature through Darudism and EWF used similar method for their civilization.
Bear (Odayla) and Human Society (Vingkot?)
I think Vingkot in fact killed his brother in Grizzly Peak, and Orlanth sent
Odayla the Bear to Sky World somehow as Zeus sent Big Bear and Small
Bear.....(See Heortling Myth of Thunder Rebels p.27) And Lunars exploited it
for conquering south Peloria....
> This is only true up to a certain point : yes, there's probably more
> animist "mana" than theistic in the blasted remnants of Genert's
> Garden, but it's not because of historic actions by Praxians, nor
> that their spirits were able to grab hold of any neutral magical
> energies present there. It's because of events in the Gods War that
> certain areas are linked with specific otherworlds (or not). Neutral
> magical energies exist, certainly, and *are* up for grabs, but you
> can't really affect their neutrality except by destroying/breaking
> them, which takes so much energy and causes/requires so much
> destruction that it's not generally worthwhile to do that : unless
> you are a Chaos madman bent on destroying the world, that is.
In the concept of Nick Brooke or David Hall who developed original Greg's idea about West, I suppose Malkionism and Nature (Naturalism?) opposed each other as in the concept of RW Western Cultural POV, from his POV, Kingdom of Logic is highly philosophical existence (or heaven of RW monotheism) and Nick might have thought that it is not of his concern, but from Greg's POV, in Danmalastan humanity and beasts are all creations of Malkion. (I remember in the days of Arkat, elves living in Brithos, but in 17C Arolanit, the land is lifeless....)
And Lunars: Artmali and Lunar Empire, they might be related to several elements and othersides (Blue = Shamanism, Theism & Sea, Darkness) (Red = Theism, Mysticism & Light and Chaos?) Maybe it is the nature of Moon.....
End of Glorantha Digest
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