Peter wrote good Unified Text for all Fonrit Official and Unofficial Materials.....
> Message: 4
> Date: Sat, 12 Oct 2002 21:42:59 +1300
> To:
> From: Peter Metcalfe <>
> Subject: Fonritan magic
> Reply-To:
> But since Garangordos appears to know so
> much about Fonrit before even setting foot there, I think his ancestors
> came from there.
> This way Garangordos becomes the hero that returned his
> people and his gods to the Centre of the World. I disagree
> with the depiction in Revealed Mythologies of his religious
> changes in his epic as a couple of heroquests and prefer
> to think of the origins of the Seventeen Gods as gradual
> rediscoveries of the antediluvian civilization of Selvukko
> against the background of a war.
I have tried to understand Greg's intention in the short sentences of RM about Fonrit and Garangordos the Cruel from Shamanic Laskal. (Maybe that is the key for understanding of this situation....)
>I do think there should be another Seventeen Gods
> for basic cosmic forces (i.e. Baraku for Storm, Orjethulut
> for death), the Seventeen Blue Gods that blueskins must
> worship, the Seventeen Evil Gods (i.e. Gark, Jraktal etc)
> representing perversions of the cosmic order, and finally
> the Seventeen Others representing other people who were
> part of Selvukko (i.e. Yranians, Sorcerers, Masloi) and
> permitted to live here whether the Fonritans like them or not.
Some of unofficial settings of Fonrit might be changed for that. (Hero Tyrants, Oppressed Ones, Elder Council of Gods, Traditional Pamalt Pantheon (Great Spirits?) Enclosure #2) I suppose Ompalam was not the greatest god of Fonritans until Peter used it in the Glorantha: ITHW.
Maybe Oliver's Mything Links can help the understanding of Fonrit through
myths of Simon and Martin Hawley.
> Rather than attribute
> this to Garangordos himself, I prefer to make it an ancient
> practice of the Ia Rawthi that sets them apart from the Doraddi.
> I think this practice became apparent in mythical times (Creation
> or Old People's Period).
About Ia Rawthi
ML p.70
>A possible solution
> is that marine deities, like those of the underworld, are capable of
> encompassing more than otherworld but this doesn't explain why
> they flipped back and forth nor why many of the deities are not
> marine.
Or it is because Artmali are moonies as Lunars and can be reached through both animistic / theistic method. perfectly IMHO.
>The Fonritan ancestors
>oppose him but their gods are devoured by Jraktal the Tap and they
>are forced into hiding (perhaps their forts?).
Interesting. But Jraktal the Tap is another Remnant of Good RQ day....more description is needed. I think.
But anyway, my method to use mysticism for all of ambiguous magical phenomena and drop all exceptions to Black Box is too irresponsible, I agree before someone might blame me.
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