I remember first I knew about Gwandorling Campaign. I puzzled why Malion
enthusiastically introduced Gwandorling Saga. And it had been long until I
began to realise it is interesting, later, fascinating, and the more later,
terrific to read it.
I think the weakpoint of Gwadorling Saga as any good literatures and
interesting stories, it is the first barrier to grasp and work imagination
through writing with great effort for understanding characters and
backgrounds without enough knowledge about Heortling society. And I also
find difficulty to trace the heroes movements in many glorantha maps of
Wesley site and recall the easiness of Biturian Varosh's travel and
paralleled good maps of Prax.
Though I found difficulty to write subheading and advertising of "movie
theater" with my weak english, I wrote some samples for earliest texts of
the campaign. I think it is far more better works can be showed if it was
written by Wesley Quadros, Martin Laurie or someone, I know it might be
tedious work for people who have good English reading skill. But if the
Gwandorlingans or others don't want to do so by themselves, I hope I can
continue this work from gwandorling tula, Prax and Great Waste, Sha Yar
valley and to Kethaela, Ralios and beyond.
As a campaign, Gwandorling Saga has been administrated by the narrator
Martin Laurie, a great historian of Ancient Military, and has routinely been
made to public by the one of players, Wesley Quadros at this own site.
Gwandorling Saga began from the Gwandor clan of Culbrea tribe, (See Fanzine
Ye Booke of Tentacles #2 for the detail of this clan and its neighbors.)
>From among them, one of Argraths (means "Liberator" by Sartarite) and the
greatest heroes in Hero Wars appears.
Hidden Kings Saga
The Lamp of Sartar
- The Lamp of Sartar
From the Gwandorling Tula in 1620 ST, the companions of adventurous thanes
of Gwandorling heard about the siege of Whitewall and decided to start their
adventure. They sought the way to hinder the strength of Evil Empire by hide
the Lamp of Sartar in the tower. During the trip, they met lunar lord Jomes
Wulf and was warned.
- The friendship of trolls
After they met some friendly Pol Joni, they met Sazdolf clan trolls too,
which showed curiosity to their intention in their land. And they were
invited to their clan. Trolls and companions established long last
friendship at that time. The Queen of Sazdolf talked them about the Grub
sisters who might offer help their object.
- The Three Sisters and The Tower
A patrol of High Llama riders, servants of three sister interrogated
adventurers. At the shack of ancient Three Sisters, they advised heroes, and
the lost Dundealos tribe warriors also arrived there and joined the act to
assault the tower for they wanted to kill the Sage of the Tower, it
succeeded and the companions killed almost all of tower Lunars except the
sorcerer fleeing, they found the Lamp.
- Betrayal of Dundealosings
After the Victory, the gagarthi Dundealosings betrayed Gwandorlings, bound
them and stole the Lamp of Sartar. The heroes decided to venture into a
heroquest enacting the King Vingkot revenged to the theft of Gagarth. With
High Llamas, they went to Prax, met a carmanian Sir Benthor who also sought
vengeance. They arrived at Battle Altar and dueled. Next, they reached
Biggle Stone and met Twisted One offering help during the Quest.
- Gargarthi Hidden Lair
After they passed a patrol of sable riders and closed the lair of gagarthi,
they took information from a captive with the help of a high llama shaman
Undaan. And Argrath received first prophecy about his future and draconic
path. With the help of Sir Benthor and High Llamas, they succeeded to
recover the Lamp. They distributed the booty and went home. But heroes found
smoke rising over Gwandorling tula.
Clan Politics and neighbor enemies
6: Blueberrys