> Bryan Thexton
> >This came up recently on the french language glorantha yahoo group.
> >The question was in general who were the mother's of Umath's children
> >other than Orlanth? The poster was wonder specifically about Humakt.
> As Ian Cooper pointed out on the HeroWars list, the Bad Uncles of the
> Brothers are from (KoS p64) are: Genert, Kalt, Lodril, Dehore and
> Magasta. There's one for each of the five brothers - Vadrus, Urox,
> Other One/Ragnaglar, Humakt and Orlanth.
> Reasoning it schematically, we observe the following relationships:
> Dehore (Darkness), Magasta (Sea), Lodril (Fire) and Genert (Earth).
> Kalt cannot be Storm but could be Chaos or Moon.
> Looking for
> correspondances with the various pits, we can arrive at any number of
> possibilities such as Dehore being associated with the Fighting Pit
> because it is "frightening", the Sex Pit because of the "demons", or
> the Strange Pit because of the "alien powers".
Following this analysis, I'd say that Humakt's mother would most likely be the Mother of Space, who is indeed a terrifying entity. She is a cognate of Uleria, probably Uleria's daughter with Nakala.
> Vadrus is probably Magasta's nephew
> not only because he was thrown into the Deep Well but because
> he was the first to defeat the Sea Gods when he conquered the
> serpent Enkoshons. The best bet for his mother would be
> Natea.
> Ragnaglar could be related to Lodril because the latter is
> associated with Sex.
I won't buy this one, though. Eurmal is a possible candidate for the Kalt rôle, and Ragnaglar's mother possibly (one of) Eurmal's daughter(s) with Uleria ? See "Uleria tames the boggles".
Julian Lord
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