Humakt's Mother?

From: Simon Phipp <>
Date: Wed, 23 Oct 2002 14:36:26 +0100 (BST)

Peter Metcalfe:

> As Ian Cooper pointed out on the HeroWars list, the Bad Uncles of
> the Brothers are from (KoS p64) are: Genert, Kalt, Lodril, Dehore
> and Magasta. There's one for each of the five brothers - Vadrus,
> Urox, Other One/Ragnaglar, Humakt and Orlanth.

Can we assume that each uncle is the father of one of Umath's Sons? These are the Bad Uncles, after all, what if the Good Uncles were the fathers of these sons?

> A problem arises in that any sons of Gata and Aether would be
> Umath's brothers and so qualify as uncles to his sons. Genert
> as a son of Gata and Lodril as a son of Aether become Uncles
> to all five brothers. Yet other relationships are less clear - the
> relations of Magasta and Dehore are known yet it is not known
> how they fit into the family tree. Knowing the Orlanthi, Uncle
> could be mean little more than an older male relative.

Yelm, as Aether's son, is also an uncle - "Wandering Sun, Jealous Uncle" may be a Yelmalian greeting but I think clearly represents Yelm - as is Dayzatar.

> Ragnaglar could be related to Lodril because the latter is
> associated with Sex. Lodril's father isn't known although
> Yelm is said in HonEel's Wane Chonicle to have a
> step-mother. Perhaps Uleria?

Lodril's father is surely Aether?

> Alas an already shaky scheme begins to break down because if
> Urox becomes Genert's nephew, then Orlanth becomes related to
> Kalt. But if Urox is related to Lodril (due to the heat of his winds,
> Lodril's marriage with the earth), then Ragnaglar becomes related
> to Kalt and Orlanth to Genert (through Kerofin). But the relationship
> isn't the only possible interpretation.

Urox, or Storm Bull in an earlier incarnation, was originally stated to be the son of Umath and Mykih the Beast Mother. I was under the impression that Ragnaglar was also a son of the Beast Mother, but that was just an impression.


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