>What about Kargan Tor? Isn't he related to Humakt?
No relationship is known (other than both being Deities of Death).
Ian Cooper:
>Peter's correspondences between the uncles and the
>varied pits does seem a plausible, but the uncles
>donot expect their nephews to survive the individual
>pits, so the suggestion that the brother's are placed
>in the pits that match their mother does not, IMO,
>quite fit.
It may not quite fit but the thing to remember is that this is a myth that makes boys men rather than a rational account of something that happened in mythology. Since the men playing the uncles in repeating the quest actually have good intentions (to see whether the boy has what it takes), the secret unspoken lore about the myth could mean that the Uncles were similarly intentioned.
>If Orlanth's mother is Kero Fin, who is his uncle
>here. Genert has been suggested, but I wonder if
>Lodril might not also be a contender, he is associated
>with Mountains after all (GTA members can still check
>out the old Mountain Stories in the Myth of the Month
But that's Holy Country synthetic mythology. The Heortlings believe that KeroFin is the daughter of Larnste and Gata,
>Genert seems to fit better as Urox's uncle, especially considering
>Storm Bull's connection with Prax.
Storm Bull however is not native to Prax.
--Peter Metcalfe
End of Glorantha Digest
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