>>My biggest question is: Merfolk, in Glorantha, still
>breath air, so how do they live in a city under
> I know they can hold their breaths for several
>but it still seems very inconvenient way to live? How
>do they sleep without suffocating?
Simon Hibbs:
>>I can only speculate, but it's quite possible they
have large, dome-shaped buildings that trap huge air
bubbles. Sea plants might even renew the oxygen for
them, eliminating the need for manually bringing down
supplies of fresh air.
Peter Metcalfe:
>>Missing Lands refers to the Malasp having Bubble
Nests (p11) and so I imagine the Ludoch have similar
technology. Refreshing the stagnant air is an
interesting problem and probably revolves around the
worship of their Storm Ancestor, Diendimos.
I do not think what "large, dome-shaped buildings that trap huge air bubbles." are really practical, after all, the merfolk do not have legs and therefore would not be capable of getting around inside. I see large coral apartment structures. Collecting oxygen from plants, on the other hand, is very likely. I can see every dwelling having a small oxygen garden.
What would be the brake up of Deeper's population and worship? After all from various sources Deeper has a population anywhere from 60,000 to 100,000 being?
Is there any information any where on Diendimos?
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