Merfolk Cities

From: Simon Phipp <>
Date: Sun, 3 Nov 2002 18:12:20 +0000 (GMT)

Leon Kirshtein:

> Simon Hibbs:
> >>I can only speculate, but it's quite possible they
> have large, dome-shaped buildings that trap huge air
> bubbles. Sea plants might even renew the oxygen for
> them, eliminating the need for manually bringing down
> supplies of fresh air.
> Peter Metcalfe:
> >>Missing Lands refers to the Malasp having Bubble
> Nests (p11) and so I imagine the Ludoch have similar
> technology. Refreshing the stagnant air is an
> interesting problem and probably revolves around the
> worship of their Storm Ancestor, Diendimos.
> I do not think what "large, dome-shaped buildings that
> trap huge air bubbles." are really practical, after
> all, the merfolk do not have legs and therefore would
> not be capable of getting around inside. I see large
> coral apartment structures. Collecting oxygen from
> plants, on the other hand, is very likely. I can see
> every dwelling having a small oxygen garden.

Do plants make Air in Glorantha? In the RW yes, but I would guess that Gloranthan plants do not make Air. Worshipping a Storm God to refresh the air would make more Gloranthan sense, either that or very long tubes with spirits blowing the air down them. Perhaps there are servant beings who fetch air from the surface and put it into the bubbles.


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