I am inclined to agree with Peter, I had always envisioned that the merfolk, esepcially the Ludoch made kelp and sea grass woven domes which they trapped air in and pegged to the bottom of the ocean, these would be replenished regularly, allowing the ludoch to travel long distances without rising to the surface. However having wacthed Blue Planet and watched seals and whales out diving many other creatures, I am convinced that the Ludoch rarely need to surface, unless they want to. Perhaps the dwell in sunken ruins, especially around Ketheala and Jrustela and even around northern Fonrit, all places with large merman concentrations and good underwater ruins. I don't however believe that the Ludoch need to construct stone buildings to Live in, caves, reefs and ruins would suffice. I think Greg once said that the merfolk were the only race more primitive in their knowledge of construction than the Uz.
When I was developing Seapolis (which is due a severe HWising and updating) I visualised that the humans made places for the Merfolk to live in out of custom and respect, rather than neccesity.
Cheers Simon Bray
The Unspoken Word - The Magazine for Gloranthans and Heroes http://www.celtic-webs.com/theunspokenword/
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