Or many sons of Lawspeaker family prefer to name their successor "Andrin". I don't think sartari like latter Andrin and his words as far as I read Storm Tribe.
Nils Weinander:
> My Elder Secrets is packed down at the moment, so I'll ask
> the Digest readers instead:
> 1. Is there something like our aurora borealis in Glorantha?
> (I saw a splendid one last saturday, which started me
> thinking).
<<Luminous bands or streamers of light that are sometimes visible in the
night skies of northern regions and are thought to be caused by the ejection
of charged particles into the magnetic field of the earth. Also called
northern lights.
[New Latin aurora borealis : Latin aurora, dawn + Latin borealis, northern.]
The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, Third Edition>>
Anyway, I don't think romans know our "aurora" in the same meaning, unless they truly visited their "End of the World" Hyperborea or Tule in Plinius..In original meaning, Aurora is the goddess of Dawn, as Theya or Ushas of India.
I don't think exact same phenomenon can be found as Glorantha is flat and magical, but maybe "Sky Storm" in a winter around Pole Star? Or Winter Palace of Valind....can have similar effect to watchers of Glorantha. Or magical effect over surface or fringe of Mundane world....in Altinela?
> 2. What are comets in Glorantha? Are there periodoc comets?
No, I don't think there is such thing in Glorantha as same objects of RW. But some of heroes appears as sky as Jannisor in GROY or Sheng Seleris, and later disappeared, or fell to the mundane world, as many Yelm sons of Lesser Darkness. (BTW, in China, comets are evil omens.)
> >It [Aloranit plain]'s not. The only thing that's said about it is that
everything there
> >looks gray or that the radiance was taken from the light.
> >
> Of course, Peter is correct here - I was assuming 'lifeless desert' was
meant poetically rather than literally, which may have been unwise.
Maybe I can imagine their particular harvest of magical crops that dronars reap (maybe Calorymate (trademark)....?) from their gray field. I don't think they enjoy their meals. I suppose they are under strict meal program under their caste restriction and taboo, more than Jains.....(Or as Dwarf Food...)
Peter: all about Brithini and Foreign relation....
> I think the Brithini are more subtle than that. After all, most
> fear death but their rulers still aspire to take over the world.
> Why did Brithos close the Oceans? I don't believe the Talars had
> anything to do with the Closing as they were probably quite happy
> with the God Learner Empire as it was (cf similar blindness and
> happiness with the Waertagi alliance). Rather it was Zzabur acting
> on his own initiative because the God Learners were abusing his arts
> and that he could feel the consequences.
If I have a chance and you permit, I will try to translate your text above.
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