>1. Is there something like our aurora borealis in Glorantha?
I think both Valind's Glacier and the Burning Sea produce similar effects on the Sky Dome. But there is also the Sky Storm that erupts from time to time from the top of the Sky Dome.
>2. What are comets in Glorantha? Are there periodoc comets?
There is a Lunar Regiment of Magicians known as the Comet Seers so they do exist.
Two comets are known. The first is Vettebbe, a star god worshipped by Huradabba in the Dawn Age, that swung low towards the earth and then receded The second was a curse sent by Sheng Seleris against the Red Emperor that came from the horizon. Given the different origins, I don't think there's one single explanation for the comets.
--Peter Metcalfe
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