(I remember how Bad King Urgrain lost to his method to get salt from trading
partner in David Dunham's site.)
2) Is their any myth about salt for Heortlings? And it there any creation
myth for merfolk about how the sea water became salty (or how freshwater
started?) I remember something about Zaramaka or Kethaela, Righthand
And I remember something about Waha and Prax myth for salty sea water.
(Oliver's site?)
3) IIRC, freshwater fish and saltwater fish have different system of
branchial respiration for osmotic pressure in RW...how about merfolks?
(Sorry, I don't have Four Scrolls of R at hand...) I remember most of
ordinary merfolks for land humanity are not water blessing....but how about
the God Age freshwater merfolks and deep tritons and gnydrons?
4) What is Salt Diamond? (Please don't try to answer seriously...) http://www.glorantha.com/library/history/hle-2wane.html#empty-conquest http://www.btinternet.com/~Nick_Brooke/moonson/squire-flint.htm
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