I am seeking the services of a map artist who can produce a relatively simple b/w or greyscale half-page map of Durnvok in southern Doblian (Northwest of the Yolp Mountains). You will probably need a copy of Wesley Quatros' Lunar Empire map as the prime reference. I would need the map in about two weeks time.
If anyone can help with this, please drop me a line privately at
Thank Ye!
In a corner garden, wilder lower wolves.
> HeroWars_at_yahoogroups.com wrote:
> >
> > Message: 4
> > Date: Thu, 14 Nov 2002 17:16:23 +0000
> > From: Graham Robinson <graham_at_albionsoft.com>
> > Subject: Re: Diciple and a magic contest
> >
> > Greg :
> >
> > >This is what friends are for.
> >
> > Do Humakti disciples get to have friends?
> >
> IOG, Argrath Dragonfriend has made good use of his teleport abilities to
> 'beam' humakti around... saved our bacon once when a bunch of magi were
> getting ready roast us.
> "Wah?! Where'd he come from -URK!"
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