> Joerg Baumgartner <joe_at_toppoint.de>
> >The Sogites are in league with the cannibalistic abominations of
> >Darkness Pelanda?
> I never said they were. I said the Blue Wizards come from there.
> After all, saying that the Carmanians come from Loskalm does not
> mean that whoever allies with them are in league with Loskalm.
Ok. Rephrased, are the cannibalistic abominations of Darkness Pelanda descended from or survivors from the Sogites?
>>So the people of King Blue were not sorcerous at all?
> Who knows? My guess is that some were and some weren't.
>>The Pelandans also tell about the corpse-blue water people of >>YarGan (?) encountered by Bisos.
> However they are noted for living underwater and leading
> conquests. Nothing Vadeli about them.
True, they sound more like another variation of Helerian/Banthite/Veldang blue-skin Storm Age peoples. Which is one of the reasons I linked them with the Vadeli, because reading the Malkioni section of Revealed Mythologies places Vadeli control in Kachasti lands in the neighbourhood of Mount Nida.
>>> The Blue Vadeli are not associated with water but corpses.
>>I didn't say or mean Blue Vadeli, but generally "evil sorcerers >>from the west". Revealed Mythologies could be summarized as "good >>prehistoric sorcery=Zzabur, bad prehistoric sorcery=Vadeli".
> But that's the Malkioni Point of View. Everybody else (including
> the Pelandans) would simply view _all_ sorcery as evil.
Basically, that agrees with the Malkioni POV since they do not claim to control much (if anything) of the world outside of Zerendel.
>>In the Kachasti War, Vadeli subjects or prisoners of war turn upon >>their Kachasti masters in southern Fronela,
> I see nothing in the myth that implies it takes place only
> in southern Fronela.
Mount Nida erupts in the center of Kachasti lands. To keep things simple, let's just look what happened north of Mount Nida, since whoever lived south of it didn't make it into Pelanda.
> The Kachasti lands include all of the west coast of
> Genertela. The Mountain Range is obviously that of Nida but in
> prehistoric times, the range could have easily destroyed the
> Kachasti cities in Seshnela (by extending through the Hills of
> Guhan to end at the Iron Mountains or beyond) or Loskalm
> (connecting the mountain range in Oranor, Molene, Karstal,
> Tastolar, possibly Maidstone and finally into North Loskalm).
All of this is true. Yet, the city of Sogolotha Mambrola survives this eruption (by virtue of being the remnant of an earlier eruption of Mount Ladaral?), and exists when the events of Pelanda enter the mostly theist myths there. The general frame of preTime is the same. It doesn't take a God Learner to ask whether events may have been connected.
>>help their Mostali allies in raising the Nidan Mountains, >>and enslave the Kachasti. Afterwards, the Pelandans tell >>about King Blue and sorcerers committing atrocities in their >>lands to match Zzaburite propaganda about Endernef.
> The King Blue myths however take place during the Flood which is
> the early Fourth Action/Storm Age (cf map in Revealed Mythologies
> p8) whereas the Kachasti War occurs later on (cf map in Revealed
> Mythologies p17 - although it's mislabelled as Late where it
> should be Middle).
The only myths in RM touching Pelanda are the calling of the Janube by Sogite "sorcerers" and the eruption of Nida. Next time RM touches down in the region is a short mention for Syranthir and Karmanos.
Calling the Janube probably is connected to the water rising in the Sweet Sea. Raising Mount Nida would have influenced the Janube's River bed, I suppose. Might be connected, may at least as likely be different events.
The Pelandan preTimelines in Fortunate Succession (and detailed in Entekosiad) have been kept muddy deliberately. Much is presented in the Dara Happan concept of preTime events which place everything in a linear sequence within the Golden Age.
Parts of the King Blue myths obviously take place before and other parts after the great deluge. The destruction of Mount Turos and creation of Lake Oronin is basically a repeat (or retelling?) of the destruction of Mount Ladaral by Neleom. The same (timeless?) event in a different place and period (and repeated with the implosion of the Spike, and occurring slightly differently in Kethaela where Argan Argar takes the role of the vanquisher of the Volcano, rather than a water deity). Possible elsewhere elsewhen as well. It is possible to reach each of these events by following a certain mythical sequence, but I doubt that even a long "time" spent in the aftermath of one of these events moving to the corresponding place for the next event place could bring a visitor to witness the "next" event.
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