The reprint of the out-of-print Unspoken Word Tarsh in Flames book (originally published as Unspoken Word 1) is printed and ready for your delight and delectation. Identical to the original, except that it has a striking dark red on white glossy cover (it was uneconomical to produce full-colour for a limited print run), it has a bold new front cover and a redrawn single-colour map of Tarsh on the back. Pre-orders will be going out in the next few days.
Do you not yet have this splendid book? You should, for it has a full campaign setting for Tarsh, superficially Lunarised yet still visibly of Orlanthi descent, a kingdom at once the front line of the Imperial march into Dragon Pass yet at the same time torn between pro- and anti-Lunar factions. The book contains historical notes by Greg Stafford, keywords, the tribes and key figures, details on the gods of Tarsh ('Orlanthi without Orlanth'), the kingdom's army, an extensive gazetteer, a guide to Furthest and other cities, Jaxarte in Furthest by MOB, the full official Maran write-up and more!
Orders from the UK and Europe cost £8 (sterling cheque) or $12 (PayPal), while beyond this the price is £9/$14 including airmail shipping - see for full details.
All the best
Mark & Simon
The Unspoken Word
End of Glorantha Digest
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