>Ok. Rephrased, are the cannibalistic abominations of Darkness Pelanda
>descended from or survivors from the Sogites?
The Blue Folk and the Logicians are distinct peoples in the Entekosiad. I see little reason for blurring them into the same people.
> > However [Corpse-blue folk] are noted for living underwater and leading
> > conquests. Nothing Vadeli about them.
>True, they sound more like another variation of
>Helerian/Banthite/Veldang blue-skin Storm Age peoples. Which is one of
>the reasons I linked them with the Vadeli,
Although the Banthites and Helerians were allied to the Vadeli, the Veldang were not (and all three are distinct peoples). Just because some blue folk ally with the Vadeli does not mean that they are Vadeli any more than the Vadeli are Mostali.
>because reading the Malkioni
>section of Revealed Mythologies places Vadeli control in Kachasti lands
>in the neighbourhood of Mount Nida.
No, it doesn't. All that is said is that most of the Kachasti cities were destroyed and that "the newly resurrected Vadeli and the Mostali" enslaved all the rest. The Kachasti lands extend the entire coast (not just in the vicinity of Nida) and one would have thought that the Vadeli would have just taken the coasts while the Mostali the mountains - the last is something that is supported by the Third Eye Blue myths.
In any case, the events of the Kachasti are soon cast off because the Loskalmi and Seshnegi do not have much memory of being dominated by the Vadeli or Mostali. Thus I do not see why we have to shoehorn each and every Malkioni invasion into a Vadeli one because of the all too brief Kachasti war myth. It is far more likely that there were successive immigrations of logicians over the years finally cumulating in the Carmanians.
> > The Kachasti lands include all of the west coast of
> > Genertela. The Mountain Range is obviously that of Nida but in
> > prehistoric times, the range could have easily destroyed the
> > Kachasti cities in Seshnela (by extending through the Hills of
> > Guhan to end at the Iron Mountains or beyond) or Loskalm
> > (connecting the mountain range in Oranor, Molene, Karstal,
> > Tastolar, possibly Maidstone and finally into North Loskalm).
>All of this is true. Yet, the city of Sogolotha Mambrola survives this
>eruption (by virtue of being the remnant of an earlier eruption of Mount
No, because it is not a Kachasti city (but one chartered by the Waertagi and staffed by Enrovali/Brithini). . Tarnwal OTOH is a Kachasti City that survives the destruction simply because the destruction took out _most_, not all, Kachasti cities.
> > The King Blue myths however take place during the Flood which is
> > the early Fourth Action/Storm Age (cf map in Revealed Mythologies
> > p8) whereas the Kachasti War occurs later on (cf map in Revealed
> > Mythologies p17 - although it's mislabelled as Late where it
> > should be Middle).
>The only myths in RM touching Pelanda are the calling of the Janube by
>Sogite "sorcerers" and the eruption of Nida.
So? The invasion of the Blue People in the Entekosiad is still part of the Flood which is a mythical event in the early Storm Age/Fourth Action. The reclaimation of the land from the oceans by Daxdarius/Bisos/ Vadrus/Orlanth/Anaxial etc marks the end of the Flood.
>Calling the Janube probably is connected to the water rising in the
>Sweet Sea.
No, it's not. The Janube was called because the Janubian sea had drained away leaving the former isle of Sog as part of the mainland. But since their contract specified an island, the sorcerers called forth the Janube from the Sweet Sea.
All this mandates a post-flood timing for the calling of the Janube River while the invasion of the Blue People from the Sweet Sea is part of the Flood.
--Peter Metcalfe
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