Jeff Kyer and his tireless team of taunt, tanned, terrifically-trained trollkin are putting together a convention the likes of which you'll only see once in a blue moon. Gloranthacon VIII will be held 7-9 March next year in Toronto, Canada.
You can check out the details at
Jeff is eager to spread word of Gloranthacon VIII as widely as possible, including to previous Gloranthacon attendees. To help him in this task, I've put together a page of web banners of various sizes, including some animated gifs.
You'll find them at
Please help the con by adding one of these banners to your own Glorantha web page, and linking the banner to
If anyone needs alternative banner sizes, or has alternative slogan ideas, please drop me a line privately.
Thanks for your support!
That's great, it starts with an earthquake,
birds and snakes, an aeroplane,
Lenny Bruce is not afraid.
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