<< This may be a somewhat mundane question for these hallowed halls but =
does anyone have a view on how large are the blocks of stone that make up
the =
old walls of Pavis?>>
Paragua took huge slabs of rock and hammered them into the round. I reckon each slab is roughly square shaped, with approx half buried underground. (Can't remember how high the walls are (25mtrs?) so these are BIG slabs. The joins were finished and smoothed by the dwarfs. Before the dwarf finishing I think the walls would have looked more like a rough cut stonehenge, or more like a natural feature.
<< Did Flintnail and co cut up the Faceless Statue into standard sized units (and if so how big?) or did they fit in whole = chunks at various sizes and shapes as conditions deemed appropriate?>>
The walls were not made of Faceless statue, the city, roads and probably gates, were.
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