>Other than the rather mysterious (and likely extinct) Yranian
IMO the Yranian Leapers are in hiding rather than extinct. The glorantha: intro (last sentence p226) mentions a fear they are becoming active again.
>is there any worship (in whatever form) of the Red Moon in
>Pamaltela? How do the various cultures (Malkioni, Umathelan storm
>barbarians, Fonritans, Doraddi, Aldryami) view it?
An Umathelan Prophecy (attributed to the Silent Prophet so probably a Clamourer document) mentions the Red Sun but goes no further.
The Pamaltelans were aware of Gbaji the Bad God in that they launched a great expeditionary force to fight him which arrived eleven generations late. Acac the Revivifier's prophecy claims (in 1472 or before) that Gbaji has come again so they might connect the Red Moon to the Bad God.
I think the Orlanthi would have a similar view as the Orlanthi of the Heortland when the Red Moon rose. They woke up with headaches and found out from their Godis that it was a bloody (chaotic) wound which had somehow defeated Orlanth.
Likewsie I think the Malkioni would be able to divine its chaotic nature and so condemn it as evil. Some might make a false connection with the Red Vadeli.
The Masloi probably view it as another god to be feared but since they fear most gods, their opinion of it is not necessarily bad.
The Trolls view it as an evil light that casts light where none should be. However they won't have any awareness of Bina Bang's rebuttal so they would eat anybody that worships it.
The reactions of the Doraddi are obscure. We know very little about how the awareness of the Bad God developed in the Pamaltelan Plains. I'm tempted to link it to the mysterious Dawn Age culture of Chaon Dacca in Kothar.
The Blues of Fonrit and the Veldang of Zamokil will recognize the Red Moon as a kindred planet to their own ancestral home (the Blue Moon). So there would be a Red Moon cult in Zamokil IMO. Neither would connect the Red Moon to the Bad God since they weren't among the Pamaltelans that reached Pithdaros.
What the Elves think is unknown. Genertelan Elves hate the Lunars for the the destruction of Rist but the Pamaltelan Elves have no history of this. Possibly they consider it something outside their awareness.
--Peter Metcalfe
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