Though I am regretful to say that I haven't added more summaries to Gwandorling Saga since the last update in my humble website.... I added the translation of your tale "Sheng Seleris and Black King" in my Japanese website.
I have a plan to translate other tales of Sheng if I have a chance to do so.
BTW, I have some questions about Shargashi heroes, in the passage of some of your Alkothic documents and about Lunar Army, there is Senderesh and "Kill You" regiment, what is its origin? A sort of hero cult?
And in the cult write-up of yours and your friends' in Enclosure Fanzine, Turrogus is a Hero "who raided Teshnos and Kralorela". I vaguely imagined he was a general of Castokum. But I noticed that Turrog was "Burst" of Sheng Seleris in your tale above, if he was the contemporary of Sheng. Perhaps he attacked East with the horde of Seleran Empire in your setting. But IIRC, Peter Metcalph might believe that Sheng and all of his following demigods are destroyed after the Battle of Kitor and subsequent purges to Pentan Overlords. And it seems it contracts to the setting of the passage that Turrog was against the power of Sheng, doesn't it?
<<"I hate Darjiin usurpers!" (A Cry from the Outside Wall of Haranshold. See Ye Booke of Tentacles #3, p. 100)
"Father, why the people of Alkoth and Manimati have hated each other so long
time since the immemorable days? My uncle don't teach me....But you are
Irripi Ontori. I expect you might gladly teach me..."
"Okay, if you want to know about the history of us, read these documents
(Enclosure #1 p. 55-57, GROY p.95-97). As you know, since the time of Dara
Happan Erz Azali Baka Est Ja Roofer, we are always threatened by Alkothi
blasphemers and they killed our ancestors and burned our buildings for their
religious aim. And they don't believe our dynasty of Great Manimat is equal
to their Yelm and the Brooch of Manimat is rightfully ours."
"But I can refer these documents about Eleventh's raid of Raibanth, I can
grasp the context of GROY p.36 metaphorically. I can directly translate them
into the FS p.10, if a Raibanthi saw the doomsday of their world, it might
be the end of his beloved city. Maybe it was the limited sense of "the
Dominion of Shargash", why they are so blind to the fact that they truly
destroyed their own empire?"
"It is not so important for them because they cannot distinguish Life from
Death separately in their city of Underworld, and they believe that they can
controll the Death and Rebirth through their rites of Red and Green."
"What a ridiculous people! They should be all burned to their bones into
their sacred pyres, maybe it is their pleasure. But we have managed to lock
them to their surrounding plains of Henjarl through Imperial lobbyists and
bribery to the court and Secret Polices of Lunars."
"Don't speak so loudly about it, you might be punished as the poor sage Nick
<<THE SECRET SERVICES (in our games, the Black Army and Blue Army, plus the Spoken Word; David Gadbois suggested several in an old Codex article; traditionally, the "Blue Moon Assassins" and other branches of the emperor's secret police) have absolutely no political power or influence. Why, that would be quite unthinkable! They are all utterly loyal to the interests of the state (not their political masters' more narrow interests), and have no interest in shaping policy. Of course not! The very thought! >>
(It sounds to me like the persistent denial to the real existence of Shoggoth by the author of Necronomicon....)
And you should consider about our subtle method and vengeance to their brutal violence, for example, through the Lunar Empire.... do you know only our Yestendos Cult can drive their Moonboat? And as you said, Danfive Xaron cult is strong in our Satrapy (though I don't know ILH will mention the detail of the distribution map of novel cults like Lunars aside from local traditional cults), through their path of Darkness and Fear, we can bind their hands."
"And many of Red Emperors like Voracius and Current Emperor Argenteus, the
center of Authority also supports our activity to hinder the influence of
Alkoth.....through the Rite of Dorkath and Sex Hunt.....We support Polaris
Cult and have weakened the cult of Red Destroyer...."
"But there is a prophecy in Hero Wars, if Shargash once again will be free
from their shackle, I fear that time, because it seems that they will attack
first when be freed....for their sacrifice to empower their brutal gods, I
worry about it." >>
Yolp Mountain
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